Discuss the plurality of the Malaysian society and its effect on you (3/2/2019)

               Malaysian is a multiracial country filled with a vast horizon of races and cultures, not to mention festive seasons that everyone is constantly hyped about every year without fail. But has anyone ever really thought of the positive or negative outcomes that are brought upon our lives because of this unique characteristic that our country possesses. I'm going to talk about how Malaysia being a multiracial country has it's positive effect on me.
               Growing up, I have been exposed to an environment with people with different race varying from Chinese, Indian, Malay and many more. I'm a Kadazan, which is much rarer than the other races in KL because the origin of the Kadazan race is in Sabah, but I got it because i inherited in from my mother. So as I was saying, being exposed to all these types of people, you get to experience the different colours of life that these people can give you. I'm very lucky to be able to experience all this because first of all, I won't get bored with seeing just one race for 18 years, and also I learn not be a racist b*tch like some people are.
                I really can't think much of a negative effect from this because everything bad that happens out of it was more of a process of me learning and expanding my knowledge and arsenal of life skills. If i get into a fight with an Indian, I learn something, that you never mess with an indian because they have the strength of an orang-utan. If you get into a fight with a Malays, they have a whole kampung ready to teach you a lesson. If you get into a fight with a Chinese, then prepare to see their parents coming for you. And so in a way i learn to be humble. I also get to be a person with more moral values because i have to adapt to different types of people.
                 Pn. M must be reading this and thinking to herself "Wow this kid is a real handful getting in trouble with all the races. What about his probem" But let me tell you, whatever problems i have has nothing to do with the kadazan race because i dont know jacksh*t about it. So i just take it that i have to learn to adapt to it.
                  Moving on, having a diverse range of races also means having a diverse range of cultures, festive seasons and FOOD. Let's skip to food because cultures are boring. So during the Chinese New Year season, you have foods like
this traditional stuff, that tea, that soup, some bird nest something, some ang pao what not and yes all good stuff with grandma's having their long ass story to tell you about if you question them about any of the "good" stuff they give you. During Deepavali, I really don't know much but the usual Indian food that you always have that all Malaysians love are the murukku, mutton, curry, dal, and many others that i did not state because this is not an essay that is copied and pasted from the internet. I never do that. I earn my english marks. I'm honest. And then you have Hari Raya with their infamous bazaar that only happens during this festive season. With all sorts of foods with their vivid colours of tastes, your tongue is gonna get multiple serious orgasms. You don't need to go to a fancy fine-dining restaurant for and orgasm, just eat here and you're gonna get addicted.
                   Alright it's more than 350 words i'm sure. This is where the story ends. If you think this was bad it's because all i have to do is write something for marks for english. So come to Malaysia, it's a great country.



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