free topic 29th july(the difference between growing up and growing old)

                   There was a person with a young child who declared that she couldn’t find her keys. The 4-year-old, precocious as only a child can be, said, “I’ll find them for you for $5.”The mother laughed and said, “For $5, I’ll find them myself.” She was speechless when the child replied, “Good luck. I hid them pretty well.”Stories like that seem too cute and funny to be true. Ask any parent, however, and you’ll learn that children are capable of feats that are humorous when young but would often appear strangely creepy if re-enacted as an adult.The age when we learn the boundaries that determine what’s appropriate varies.There are children who act older than their years and there are childlike adults. Dealing with those who have yet to mature is difficult.Growing up means letting go of trivial passions that consume our identity and changing how we want to be seen. It’s not uncommon to see a teen arguing passionately about a favorite band or type of food. It’s rare to see an adult share the same passion.Adults realize enjoyment does not decrease with a difference of opinion. They understand that those who don’t learn this lesson are often people to avoid.Adults understand responsibility and also realize that mature and boring are not interchangeable words. While it’s important to understand the difference between serious and trivial, it’s equally important to never let go of the wide-eyed innocence necessary to discover and enjoy something new or funny.It is possible to maintain childlike joy without acting like a child. Never give up your sense of wonder. Never stop being amazed. Be surprised every day when you learn something new.Growing up means many things, but it does not mean growing old. Take time to understand the difference. It’s the key to a happy life.


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