In this modern era of globalization, teenagers have risen from their once passive generation to a more dominion generation over the other generations on this very earth. Teenagers hold great responsibilities as they are the future of this earth and the fate of the earth rests on their knowledge,wisdom and experience gained from years of mistakes,advice and experience.The world is changing everyday and so are we.So today's question is what will teenagers be like in a 100 years?
                The world is being stripped of its natural resources at a rapid rate and sooner or later 7 billion people will competing with each other to survive.In a 100 years,teenagers will learn to be appreciative and avoid wastage.Wastage happens all over the world everyday.Fishermen catch more fish than they eat causing excess to be wasted and rotten,parties cook and order to much food that goes to wastage and many more examples that needn't be mentioned.Teenagers will wake up from this dreadful and dissapointing attitude that their ancestors and generations before left them with and will sought to solve it.
                  Secondly,teenagers will learn to work together.As Abraham Lincoln once said a house divided cannot stand.Teenagers will realize strength comes in numbers and it would take a whole pride to swallow just to get things right or done.They will learn to work ,respect and also love people all over the world.It will only be a matter of time before they realize they need the help of every single person on this earth,every single nationality be it in small or big populations and different ways of thinking from different aspects and perspectives.Then and only then will they realize that through that way will earth and its people reach their full potential.
                   Thirdly, teenagers will learn to be more respectful.Respect is a valued treasured by many.However many people make a common mistake assuming that respect is attained by holding a good status.No,respect is earned by how we treat people.All we have to do is follow the golden rule,treat others the way you want to be treated.In future when teenagers become the leaders of their countries,communities and major parties, they will realize that their respected countries,communities or major parties do not have all the resources they need and will need the help of others.To achieve alliance or friendship between two parties they will need to have the highest peak of respect for each other.Respect is the only way people will want to listen to us without us forcing them.
                     In summary,teenagers will have more values then they use to now because the world is changing fro good to bad and they will know that they can't change it by being the baddest, but to kill them with kindness.The world will not change for us but we can so we should for the better of the people of this world and the world too.
